Cardiff Devils Re-Sign Fan Favourite Josh Batch

Josh Batch.

Cardiff Devils Re-Sign Fan Favourite Josh Batch

The Cardiff Devils have announced Josh Batch will be returning to the team for an eighth season as the club continue to assemble their roster for the forthcoming season.

Chelmsford-born Batch, who has played for the Devils as both a defenceman and as a forward scored 6 goals and 9 assists last season, including 2 game winning goals while racking up 75 penalty minutes in 54 games.

Batch becomes the eighth signing to be officially announced by the Devils during the off-season.

Coach Andrew Lord says the 27-year-old’s versatility and physical presence makes him a key signing as the team look to defend their Elite League title and Play-Off championship.

“Batch is so versatile, and we are confident in him playing either forward or defence. He is big and strong and has the ability to create chances with the way he gets into the offensive zone and creates havoc for opposing defencemen.

“Nobody likes getting chased down and hit by a 6’4”, 220 lbs guy and when Batch is on his game, he is tough to deal with. I love having him up front on forward, but equally I know we can drop him back to play defence at any time, which makes him so valuable to this team.”

Managing Director Todd Kelman echoed the praise for Batch and what he brings to the club on and off the ice:

“Batchy is such a vital component of this team and I cannot imagine him playing anywhere else. He brings so much to the club and has been a big part in our success since we took over the Devils 4 years ago.

“He is an exciting player to watch and is so good with the fans. He is such a genuine person and makes time for everyone, which is something you cannot teach. It comes naturally to him and that is one of the big reasons that he is so popular with our fanbase.”

Last week, the Devils confirmed the return of goaltenders Ben Bowns and Thomas Murdy.

Mark Richardson, Matt Pope, Joey Martin, Joey Haddad and Craig Moore will also be returning for the 2018/19 season.

The team will return to the ice at Ice Arena Wales in a pre-season game against Nottingham Panthers on Sunday 12 August (6pm).

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